What’s Next For Boston Scientific Stock After An 11% Rise In A Month?

BSX: Boston Scientific logo
Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific stock (NYSE: BSX) has seen an 11% rise in a month and year-to-date. This compares with 1% and -16% returns for the broader S&P500 index over the same periods, respectively. This recent outperformance of Boston Scientific can partly be attributed to its announcement to acquire Apollo Endosurgery in a $615 million deal. [1] This move is largely seen as positive for the company enabling it to expand its endoscopy offerings. Boston Scientific has also announced its plans to acquire a majority stake in Acotec Scientific Holdings – a Chinese medical technology company focused on solutions for interventional procedures. [2] Acotec will strengthen Boston Scientific’s MedSurg segment.

But now that BSX stock has seen a rise of 11% in a month, will it continue its upward trajectory, or is a fall imminent? Going by historical performance, there is a higher chance of a rise for Boston Scientific stock over the next month. Of 247 instances in the last ten years that BSX stock saw a twenty-one-day rise of 11% or more, 145 resulted in BSX stock rising over the subsequent one-month period (twenty-one trading days). This historical pattern reflects 145 out of 247, or about a 59% chance of a rise in BSX stock over the next month. See our analysis of Boston Scientific Stock Chance of Rise for more details.

Calculation of ‘Event Probability‘ and ‘Chance of Rise‘ using the last ten years’ data

  • After moving 4.5% or more over five days, the stock rose on 52% of the occasions in the next five days.
  • After moving 6.1% or more over ten days, the stock rose on 56% of the occasions in the next ten days.
  • After moving 11.0% or more over a twenty-one-day period, the stock rose on 59% of the occasions in the next twenty-one days.
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This historical pattern suggests a higher chance of a rise in BSX stock over the next five, ten, and twenty-one days.

Boston Scientific (BSX) Stock Return (Recent) Comparison With Peers

  • Five-Day Return: SYK highest at 7.8%; ILMN lowest at 2.3%
  • Ten-Day Return: SYK highest at 11.8%; ILMN lowest at 1.1%
  • Twenty-One Day Return: SYK highest at 13.2%; ILMN lowest at -13.2%

While BSX stock may see higher levels, the Covid-19 crisis has created many pricing discontinuities, which can offer attractive trading opportunities. For example, you’ll be surprised at how counter-intuitive the stock valuation is for Boston Scientific vs. West Pharmaceutical Services.

Despite higher inflation and rising interest rates, BSX stock has risen 11% this year. But can it drop from here? See how low Boston Scientific stock can go by comparing its decline in previous market crashes. Here is a performance summary of all stocks in previous market crashes.

What if you’re looking for a more balanced portfolio instead? Our high-quality portfolio and multi-strategy portfolio have beaten the market consistently since the end of 2016.

Returns Dec 2022
MTD [1]
YTD [1]
Total [2]
 BSX Return 4% 11% 118%
 S&P 500 Return -1% -16% 80%
 Trefis Multi-Strategy Portfolio 0% -18% 231%

[1] Month-to-date and year-to-date as of 12/14/2022
[2] Cumulative total returns since the end of 2016

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  1. Boston Scientific’s Press Release, Nov 29, 2022 []
  2. Boston Scientific’s Press Release, Dec 11, 2022 []