More Room For Growth In Pioneer Energy Stock?

PXD: Pioneer Natural Resources logo
Pioneer Natural Resources

After a slight correction, benchmark oil prices along with natural gas, and other commodities, are reporting gains as the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to increase geopolitical tensions. Thus, the shares of Pioneer Natural Resources (NYSE: PXD) are again observing a rally. The company is engaged in exploration and production of oil & natural gas, largely in the Permian Basin. Given the heightened crude oil & natural gas demand, the company’s superior cash generation capability is assisting enhanced shareholder returns and strengthening the balance sheet. According to our Trefis machine learning engine, which analyzes historical stock price movements, PXD stock has a 56% chance of a rise over the next month (21 trading days). See our analysis Pioneer Natural Resources Stock Chance of Rise for more details. (related: Is Chevron Stock A Buy?)

Five Days: PXD 1.8%, vs. S&P 500 -3%; Outperformed market (35% event probability)

  • PXD stock gained 1.8% over a five-day trading period ending 5/23/2022, compared to the broader market (S&P500) which declined by 3%.
  • Returns of 1.8% or higher over a five-day period on 887 occasions out of 2516 (35%); Stock rose in the next five days in 444 of these 887 instances (50%).
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Ten Days: PXD -1.4%, vs. S&P 500 -5.3%; Underperformed market (41% event probability)

  • PXD stock declined 1.4% over the last ten trading days (two weeks), compared to the broader market (S&P500) which fell by 5.3%.
  • Returns of -1.4% or lower over 10-day period on 1023 occasions out of 2516 (41%); Stock rose in the next 10 days in 565 of these 1023 instances (55%).

Twenty-One Days: PXD 9.7%, vs. S&P 500 -11%; Outperformed market (19% event probability)

  • PXD stock gained 9.7% over the last twenty-one trading days (about one month), compared to the broader market (S&P500) which lost 11%.
  • Returns of 9.7% or higher over 21-day period on 485 occasions out of 2516 (19%); Stock rose in the next 21 days in 273 of these 485 instances (56%).

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 Returns May 2022
MTD [1]
YTD [1]
Total [2]
 PXD Return 14% 46% 47%
 S&P 500 Return -6% -18% 74%
 Trefis Multi-Strategy Portfolio -8% -23% 203%

[1] Month-to-date and year-to-date as of 5/24/2022
[2] Cumulative total returns since the end of 2016

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