Exxon Mobil (XOM) Last Update 11/24/24
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Gross Profits
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Exxon Mobil
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4.1% $5
Trefis Price
Top Drivers for Period
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Potential upside & downside to trefis price

Exxon Mobil Company


  1. Downstream constitutes 86% of the Trefis price estimate for Exxon Mobil's stock.


  1. XOM Q3 Snapshot
The oil giant produced an average of 3.2 million barrels per day of liquids (oil and natural gas liquids) during the third quarter. That was the company's highest liquids output in over 40 years. Add in its gas production, and Exxon's total output averaged nearly 4.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOE/d). Exxon's production has averaged 4.2 million BOE/d this year, a whopping 14% increase from last year. The integrated-energy company also delivered strong operating results in its product-solutions segment (refining and chemicals). Its high-value product-sales volume soared 10% to a new record.

Despite weaker market conditions during this period, Exxon still produced robust profits and cash flow. It reported $8.6 billion in earnings and generated $17.6 billion in cash flow from operations in the quarter, which led all international oil companies (IOCs).

Note: Exxon Mobil's FY'23 ended on December 31, 2023. Q3 FY'24 refers to the quarter that ended on September 30, 2024.

  1. The Power of Advantaged Assets
Fueling Exxon's gushing profits is its strategy of investing in its advantaged assets, which are its lowest-cost and lower-emissions operations. The company delivered record production in Guyana and the Permian Basin, with the latter due in part to its acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources. More than 50% of the company's production now comes from advantaged assets, which are enabling it to make more money per barrel produced. Exxon is also benefiting from structural cost-savings initiatives, which have shaved an additional $1.6 billion from its cost structure this year (including $600 million during Q3).

  1. Acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources
ExxonMobil closed its roughly $60 billion megadeal for Pioneer Natural Resources in May 2024. The transformational transaction will double its footprint in the resource-rich Permian Basin. It will also give it the fuel to grow its production to 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOE/d) by 2027, up from 1.3 million BOE/d after closing the deal. The Pioneer transaction will also enable ExxonMobil to high-grade its portfolio by selling noncore assets. It recently put about $1 billion of oil and gas properties in the Permian Basin on the market.


Below are key drivers of Exxon's value that present opportunities for upside or downside to the current Trefis price estimate for Exxon Mobil:

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Production

  • Average Crude Oil and NGL Sales Price: Exxon's price realization saw a sharp surge from $62 in 2021 to $87 in 2022. The growing tight supplies due to geopolitical uncertainty (Russia-Ukraine war) and the soaring demand from the reopening of China's economy bode well for energy prices. However, the prices fell to $70 in 2023, owing to supply cuts from OPEC+
    If realized prices decline to $50 instead of our current forecast of $65 in the long run, then there is a potential downside of 15% from the current stock price estimate.

  • Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Produced: The company's production rose more than 7% year-over-year to 1.66 million boed in 2019. However, the figure declined to 1.61 million boed in 2020, and further declined to 1.5 billion boed in 2021.
    The operating margins are significantly volatile with a strong dependence on benchmark prices and total production. With the company having a downstream refining business, these margin fluctuations affect the bottom line significantly. Lower production has a downside risk on cash flows and margins. In line with total production & refining output, a 10% increase at a stable benchmark price is likely to push the stock price upwards by 10-15%.

For additional details, select a driver above or select a division from the interactive Trefis split for Exxon Mobil at the top of the page.


Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) is the largest of the vertically integrated oil majors. It was created on November 30, 1999, by the merger of Exxon and Mobil. The company has several divisions and hundreds of affiliates, including Exxon Mobil, Exxon, Esso, and Mobil. Notably, the company's business spans across the entire energy sector, including the upstream (oil and natural gas production), midstream (pipelines), and downstream (chemicals and refining) segments.

The geographical diversity of Exxon Mobil's exploration and production (E&P) activities makes it less vulnerable to the regional production uncertainties that plague the industry.

The difference between XOM's reported net revenue and the figures used in our model is primarily because we use core sales revenue (which comes from the sale of hydrocarbons) figures that exclude the revenue it generates from the distribution, processing, and marketing of hydrocarbon and other sources of income.


Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) production is the most valuable division for the firm for the following reasons:

Large base of proved reserves

Proved reserves are an extremely critical metric for an oil and gas exploration and production company. It represents the total quantity of technically and economically recoverable oil and gas reserves owned by the company at a given point in time. It directly impacts the company's production growth outlook. At the end of 2021, Exxon Mobil's total proved reserves stood at over 18.5 billion oil-equivalent barrels. This equates to 5 years of reserve life at last year's average production rate. These reserves are evenly distributed between liquids and natural gas, and represent a diverse and global portfolio.

Integrated business model

Exxon Mobil is the world's largest public integrated oil and gas company by market capitalization. According to our estimates, on average, the company generates around 40% of its total free cash flows from downstream refining and chemicals operations. These relatively stable streams of cash flow partially insulate the company from the volatility in global crude oil prices. Because of its integrated business model, the company is able to fund its long-term, capital-intensive upstream projects even during commodity down cycles.


Increasing capital costs associated with upstream activities

While Exxon's total hydrocarbon production has remained relatively flat over the last decade, its capital expenditures have soared from around $17.62 billion in 2005 to over $30.86 billion in 2015. However, the capex declined to $12 billion in 2021 with the improvement in drilling technologies and horizontal drilling techniques. Various oil companies have embarked on different projects to extract oil such as deepwater, gas to liquids (GTL), oil sands, etc. This has led to longer development timelines which have, in turn, resulted in higher costs. Going forward, the company aims to retain its capital investment of around $22 billion if the high price environment persists.

Peak oil

It is estimated that a large part of the world's oil reserves has already been discovered. Recent statistics have indicated that global consumption has been outpacing reserve additions. Peak oil is a commonly used term to describe the point at which world oil output will reach a maximum and decline afterward.

However, many institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) believe that peak oil will not occur for another 25 years at the very least. Many governments across the world are promoting alternative energy measures to ensure that the supply and demand of energy will be met at all times to come.

Improvements in technology

Due to limited underlying growth in product demand, there has been an increase in recent years toward increasing the complexity of refineries rather than expanding capacity. In the U.S., no new refineries have been built since 1980, however, improvements in process design and technology have seen capacity increase by around 1% per year.

The early refineries that were established were mainly used to process light sweet crude resulting in an increase in demand for light sweet crude. As a result of higher oil prices in recent times, heavy crude oil is becoming more economically attractive. In addition, the interest in the development of new cost-effective methods for extracting and transporting heavy crude oil for refining into valuable light and middle distillate fuels is also increasing.

Selling assets

ExxonMobil is currently marketing 14 asset groups in the Permian Basin. It operates eight of those properties and owns non-operated interests in six others. It is important to note that these properties are conventional production assets. These legacy oil and gas assets use a different production technique than the primarily unconventional shale assets Exxon picked up in the Pioneer deal.

Since unconventional assets- those developed with horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing -produce more oil and gas than conventional wells, drilling these wells generates higher investment returns. The company will regularly sell noncore assets to maintain a strong balance sheet and recycle capital into higher-returning new investments. the company is also selling its oil and gas assets in Nigeria for $1.3 billion, as well as those it owns in Malaysia.

Shift Toward Cleaner Energy

The biggest headwind Exxon faces is not oil price volatility, it is the global shift toward cleaner energy sources. Although Exxon has been dabbling in clean energy, it has chosen to stick to its oil and natural gas roots. The logic is sound, given that these fuels, despite being volatile commodities, are likely to remain vital energy sources for decades to come. But Exxon's ability to make huge deals gives it a survival edge if it plans to buy a clean energy company in the future.